ClonewarsRP Server Rules

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ClonewarsRP Server Rules
Every user playing on the CWRP server must obey the server rules correctly or they will face a staff punishment depending on how bad.

No FailRP
Do not FailRP, so do not be unrealistic or do anything that isn't really necessary (e.g No random accents unless you are a non-lore character and not a clone)

Do not RDM, which stands for Random Death Match, which means killing others without meaning or VDM, which means Vehicle Death Match, which means killing others but without vehicles.

No Exploiting/Cheating
Exploiting or cheating in any way is a bannable offence and your ban appeals will be instantly rejected as you cannot be excused for that and you clearly can't be trusted on playing our server.

Respect the Community
You must respect all players, staff that are on the server this also includes staff decisions (if you believe it is incorrect please use the report player forum) and even RP reasons like a commander's decisions.

Basic Rules
1) No abusing Jetpacks (ARC Troopers)
2) Do what you are told by Higher Ranks if you don't then it is counted as FailRP.
3) No advertising other staff no matter what, this is bannable.
4) No harassing anyone on the server, you will receive an immediate ban without appeal.
5) Regiment hopping isn't allowed. (2 days)
6) NLR isn't really counted unless if it is part of an event (part of the story)
7) Do not "flex" your rank to lower ranks, this includes paid, lore Jedi. (It will be removed)
8) No crashing your ships on purpose. (Pilots)
9) Always follow an event, if you don't you will not participate in the event.
10) Use common sense, like follow basic rules that might not be included here